About Us
Expectations from education are getting high everyday and even the best schools are struggling to catch up the rapid pace. While GENIUS NATIONAL SCHOOL is striving relentlessly to help our children excel academically, we are also conscious of our social responsibility to create compassionate and committed citizens as its core through modern and value based curriculum. Being a good human being is far more important than just being academically good. It is thus, imperative to create a conducive environment both in school and at home, whereby our children learn the values of fair, healthy competition, equability and team spirit. The responsibility is on us to help them recognise their strengths and work on their weaknesses. It will surely happen by keeping the students well rooted with values and strengthened with skills and develop core competencies to succeed in this world and hereafter.
Our Facilities
We Are Providing an Environment for Our Students to Grow & Excel
We at Genius National School believe in Confucius’s saying -” I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Learning by doing is a simple idea that we are capable of learning more about something when we perform that action. Learning by doing offers a personal experience to a child. This connection is powerful and thus offers a richer experience than reading from a book or article. The personal experience involved in learning by doing arouses confidence and curiosity in children
A Message From
Our Principal
“Let the Geniites Rise and Shine.
Compassion and character define a Genius.
GENIUSES are made,not born.
Let us tap the Genius in you!”
Teaching Aids
Years Established
Get In Touch
Location: 71/13, Topsia Road (South), Kolkata 700046, India
Telephone: 033 40051991/ 40048409
Email: geniusnationalschool@gmail.com
School Hours: 8am – 2pm
School Days: Monday – Friday