Our Vision & Mission

To emerge as an institution of excellence and develop students as progressive citizens who would serve the nation and mankind with positive attitude and zeal.

To impart a fine blend of Modern and value based Education in the most scientific and balanced manner to instil strong moral and human values in students to lead a successful and meaningful life.

Code of Conduct
1. Our students should be polite and disciplined wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by the conduct of its students. They should greet all elders and teachers whenever and wherever they meet them. Bullying, use of foul language and vulgar behavior will lead to strict action.
2. They should take good care of their health and keep themselves physically fit and strong.
Shaista Parveen
An Institute that has been established with a vision to impart quality education with moral values. The school doesn’t merely aim at Academic excellence it also ensures to inculcate in our future generation love, compassion and good moral character without which a human being is incomplete. Each and every member of our school is tirelessly working towards creating a better future for our children.

Jalees Ahmed
Great infrastructure and the environment is appealing to the students. The teachers are highly skilled, the curriculum is substantial and each child is treated with utmost care.

athar ali
Excellent school! All the teachers are highly skilled and caring. A very good infrastructure and environment for a child.

serjil shahid
Good school with qualified and well trained teachers.
Good infrastructure.
Handled the education policy very efficiently during pandemic.